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Tord Topsholm utses till ny CEO för Avida Holding AB (Avida)

The Board of Avida has appointed Tord Topsholm as new CEO. Tord will take office on April 1, 2018.

"I am pleased to appoint Tord Topsholm as new CEO of Avida, says Stefan Alexandersson, Chairman of the Board at Avida. Tord has a broad background from both the consumer and corporate business. He is a respected leader who has experience from fast-growing companies and from the increasing complexity within banking. We share the same view on our strategy going forward and with Tord in place we can continue to drive Avida with high growth and profitability.

 Tord Topsholm has been Head of Sales & Service at Swedbank and before that COO at EnterCard which offers consumer loans and credit cards. Lastly, Tord comes from the CEO's role at Catella Bank.

 "I am honored to take over as CEO of Avida. The company has a unique position and can grow at a fast pace through first-class analysis and excellent business skills. It will be stimulating to lead a company with such strong skills, "says Tord Topsholm. I am looking forward to working with Avida's employees, board and customers to continue the company's growth trip.